Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Day of Christmas-Three-Worded Mantra

Do you use mantras?
Today I awoke and recited my daily affirmations aloud and really paid attention to the content of the words, like for example: "I refuse to accept undesirable circumstance as having final outcome".
Then I prepared myself, in quite a chipper mood, to catch up with paperwork on my desk and, uh, yes I had to open three more form rejections. Two of them were sent back, one with my Thanksgiving-themed return address label and the other with my Christmas-themed return address label. I will add that the two were both from the same agent. Yes, I know you're supposed to have a tracking system. Well, I foolishly mailed them to the same agent but that was before I had my excel spreadsheet for snail-mailed agents. Anyway, I feared the agent would be perturbed that I submitted twice, but fortunately he or she probably missed that I duplicate-submitted because I got two form "Dear Author" rejections (same exact copy) politely stating that because of the huge volume of submissions he/she was unable to respond in a personal manner. However, that I should be assured that he/she had most dutifully read my query and brief synopsis and that they were sorry to decline interest in the project. I wonder, then, would he/she have time to read the query/synopsis?
 The above are merely ramblings of my mind, departed from the original affirmation in the second paragraph above. And NOW I shall share with you my third Day of Christmas gift, which is a three-worded mantra:


Whatever your goal is, no matter what, keep this three-worded mantra in mind ... or create one of your own. Never stop in the pursuit of your goal. Anything you put your mind to, with resilient effort, you will succeed in.

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