Sunday, June 23, 2013

I'm back .....again

I awoke this morning 6:30 am, made coffee and sat on the back porch of my cousin's house on the Jersey shore. Once again, I attained a renewed ambition to continue with my writing career. And while not published yet (don't we hate saying those words?) I document my determination to make a living at this gig. No more excuses, no more fear of failure. Because there's nothing you can't achieve when you put your mind to it. Yes you may change the course of action, the strategy and even the genre.

For example I started writing my Having Fun series with the concept in mind that it could be a step-up Sex in the City type of dramatization of professional women struggling with the vigors of single life in New York City. I still intend to publish it. However I've decided to take a stab at romance. Romance is said to sell well and has a loyal vibrant readership why not? Every women's fiction story I read has many elements of romance. In fact, romance is part of just about any story. If there's a sexual relationship somewhere in there is a little romance, no?

How many times have you changed course with you own writing career? Gave up and started it again?

If it's in your blood to write you'll never give it up. And despite the rejections and bad reviews you will inevitably receive ...the only thing that matters is to never give up. The good will outweigh the bad. You have to purge all negativity.

Do me a favor, my loyal friend, remind me of that next time?


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